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It’s all about the people

Last year our staff took the time to review and nail down our “why”.  We watched Simon Sinek’s talk online called “How great leader’s inspire action”.  If you haven’t watched it, I highly recommend you do.   We felt that to define the “why” of our business and services would help us focus, be motivated and we would in turn pass along the contagious spirit behind our “why” when meeting with clients.  In addition to a mission and vision statement, we rolled out a new tag line.  Something that captures our “why”.  “Value your People. Trust our Process.”  This month I wanted to look at the phrase “Value your People.” 

In every industry, organization and company there is one key ingredient.  One overarching factor.  One consistent component. 


It sounds so simple, but if you really boil down all we do – it’s because it affects people.  No matter what you do for work: build houses, research uses for natural gas or provide accounting services – it’s for the ultimate purpose to help our fellow humankind.  However significant you feel your role in your job is, you are contributing to the greater good of meeting the needs of someone, somewhere.  Sometimes we don’t see how our actions directly affect others, but no matter who you are, you are integral to the lives of other people.

I am typically a task-based person.  When I get caught up in my to do list, I can become irritated by the interruptions of people.  I feel that my job requires me to be productive and efficient.  But if I forget that it’s about people then I am missing the point. I found this quote to be quite inspiring,

“In spite of our high-tech world and efficient procedures, people remain the essential ingredient of life. When we forget that, a strange thing happens: We start treating people like inconveniences instead of assets.” Charles Swindoll.

In our business we endeavour to help other companies find the best employee.  We also desire the satisfaction of a successful candidate when the right placement has been made.  We want our staff to feel appreciated.  We want to provide a good life for our families.  When we all inevitably run into challenges, setbacks and frustration it’s important to have a guiding reason for why we give so much of our time to this pursuit.

Whether you are naturally extroverted and genuinely enjoy people or fall somewhere on the introverted side of the spectrum and people take more effort, ultimately, we can’t live without people. People can be complicated, can hurt us and disappoint us.  But they can bring us joy, connection and help. You never know the impact you can have on another person and how someone can be instrumental in your life by simple daily encounters of kindness, compassion and thoughtfulness. 

In your vocation you will engage with people: staff, coworkers, clients, customers.  Don’t discount the value of your interactions - the power of a smile, a thank you or a have-a-nice-day.  Make common courtesy common again. 

Value people; not just because of what they can do for you, but because they are intrinsically worthy and are what ultimately matter beyond your productivity and achievement.  It will come full circle too; happy staff will work harder for you, happy customers will recommend you and a happy boss will appreciate you.

Lorie Hayes